7月8日上午,杏宇 -(杏宇我们的使命)是让您快乐!对外合作部陈耘部长组织召开第二十周工作例会。会议总结了本学期工作内容🧅,强调完善暑假前收尾工作,安排新学期工作计划。会议指出继续推进泰国正大管理学院合作项目的线上推广,完成校内国际氛围环创设计初稿,优化匈牙利适配杏宇产品,审核新学期工作计划初稿🚉。此次会议回顾了本学期工作成果,同时总结了不足之处💤🧗🏿♀️,为新学期工作指引了方向🧝🏼♀️。
On the morning of July 8, Minister Chen Yun of Foreign Cooperation Department of Chongqing Polytechnic Institute organized the 20th week working meeting. The meeting summarized the work content of this semester, emphasizing the improvement of the final work before the summer vacation and arranging the work plan for the new semester. The meeting pointed out that it will continue to promote the online promotion of the cooperation project of Panyapiwat Institute of Management, complete the first draft of the international environmental innovation design of the school, optimize the product of the Hungarian adaptation school, and review the first draft of the work plan for the new semester. This meeting reviewed the work results of this semester, and summarized the shortcomings, and guided the direction for the new semester work.